Freitag, 14. Januar 2022



Pillars are used in human kind since thousansds of years. If you go to Italy, Greece or Egypt you will find a lot of them. For me, every time I see these architectures, it is impressive. They did not build a wall for these buildings, they used the pillars to get someting really great. Imagine they would have build the temples with walls - they would look more like a castle or cuboid than a temple.

Pillar styles changed through the time but the core functionaliy staid the same - being a essential part of something big.

Pictures for any informatoin reuse the symbol of pillars to easy show essential parts and reduce the amount but not the value of information. You can find pillars of health, pillars of finance, pillars of selling on amazon and many others. All these samples you can find transports the core information with a word or a short phrase. The value of it is, you can easy remember it and you can embed these values in your life.

In the Agile manifesto there are also pillars, phrases you think they are simple to understand but hard to master. 

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

But why? In the picture above you see, that just the pillars are still here. The Agile pillars also are just a base of something great. You need to think also of many other aspects to build, rebuild or change your organization so that the next earth quake or storm is handled easily. 

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